Art Explorations 2

Tuition: $195

*15% off when enrolling siblings or in multiple classes. Use coupon code ARTSTAR.

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Explore new techniques for making art using familiar materials. Students develop skills in drawing, painting, sculpture. Drawing skills will be enhanced as they learn the basics of proportion, perspective, shading, and more. We will work from life to paper, using a variety of materials including markers, colored chalk, pastels, oil pastels, and charcoal. Student work have an emphasis on shapes, forms, textures, composition, and light.

Additionally, we will create 3-D sculptures using innovative as well as traditional materials – found objects, clay, plaster, wire, and more to make amazing 3-D art.

Art history is introduced through the works of Vincent van Gogh, Georgia O’Keefe, Claude Monet, Cézanne, and Henri Matisse.