Creative Investigation – Drawing and Painting
Tuition: $195
*15% off when enrolling siblings or in multiple classes. Use coupon code ARTSTAR.
Studio Drawing
The emphasis of this course will be on the development of fundamental drawing concepts and skills – using line, value, and contrast to create forms, and the making of a unified composition. Further importance will be given to the expressive use of drawing materials as students explore their own personal mark making styles and their creative expression through drawing. Through this process, the student will gain an awareness of the responsive activity of drawing as well as the necessary skills to achieve their goals.
*The instructor will work one on one with the students at their own level of painting experience. Individual instruction will be given to the beginner as well as the more advanced student.
Studio Painting
This course will acquaint the student with utilizing a variety of techniquesto achieve compositions that reflect skill and creativity through the painting medium. Formal issues in constructing a composition, as well as conceptual concerns that deal with interpretation, will be emphasized. Experimentation and a combination of methods and materials will be encouraged to attain a visually exciting surface. Emphasis will be on color and its use. Students will work in oil or acrylic paint, and watercolor, and other wet media. Expertise will be gained in creative problem solving, and in the mastery of tools and techniques.
*The instructor will work one on one with the students at their own level of painting experience. Individual instruction will be given to the beginner as well as the more advanced student.