Cancellations and Refunds

No refunds are issued after the start date of the classes for which you registered. No refunds are issued for “no-shows.”
*Only written requests for cancellations and class changes (where space is available) are accepted.



Waiver of Liability

This agreement releases Art 71 Teaching Studio from all liability relating to injuries that may occur during classes, special event, on the property of 4208 Crawford, or in any building on the property. By accepting, I agree to hold Art 71 Teaching Studio and its owners entirely free from any liability, including financial responsibility for injuries incurred, regardless of whether injuries are caused by negligence.


I also acknowledge the risks involved in art classes and the use of various art tools and activities. I swear that I am participating voluntarily, and that all risks are understood by me. Additionally, I do not have any conditions that will increase my likelihood of experiencing injuries while engaging in this activity.


By accepting, I forfeit all right to bring a suit against Art 71 Teaching Studio for any reason. In return, I will receive Art classes in the studio and outside when appropriate and attend special events. I will also make every effort to obey safety precautions explained to me verbally. I will ask for clarification when needed.