Portfolio Class – Upper School

Tuition: $195

*15% off when enrolling siblings or in multiple classes. Use coupon code ARTSTAR.

Take This Class
This class is a supplemental enrichment course for the advanced art student who wishes to create a portfolio of artwork, outside of AP Studio requirements. Conversations on this topic will be based on the students’ own particular style and content.

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Creative Investigation – Drawing and Painting

Tuition: $195

*15% off when enrolling siblings or in multiple classes. Use coupon code ARTSTAR.

Studio Drawing
The emphasis of this course will be on the development of fundamental drawing concepts and skills – using line, value, and contrast to create forms, and the making of a unified composition.

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Intermediate Art

Tuition: $195

*15% off when enrolling siblings or in multiple classes. Use coupon code ARTSTAR.

Take this Class
Composition and Media Art for Intermediate students is designed to explore visual art issues in form, content, and technique. A variety of projects will be introduced in different media – sculpture, drawing, painting, and printmaking, as well as 2D/3D design. Projects will enable students to problem solve and make artistic choices in their work. Students will draw and paint from life, and render three-dimensional forms in values that describe volume and mass. Participation in critiques of their artwork and learning how to analyze and discuss historical and contemporary art images will enrich the student’s creative experience. The elements of design–line, form shape, color and value, will be a central focus in all projects. Experimentation and creativity will also be encouraged as students explore a variety of subject matter.

Art Explorations 1

Tuition: $195

*15% off when enrolling siblings or in multiple classes. Use coupon code ARTSTAR.

Take this Class

Art Explorations 1 is for children grades K-2 and is intended to develop creativity, imagination, skill, and art appreciation. Students will develop a visual vocabulary and learn about the elements and principles of design. Young artists will create drawings and paintings from observation, memory and imagination, and explore a variety of media including sculpture, printmaking, and collage. Students will also learn about works of art throughout history and gain an understanding of art as a means of expressing ideas and feelings.

Exploring Painting

Tuition: $170 – (Supplies $20)

*15% off when enrolling siblings or in multiple classes. Use coupon code ARTSTAR.

Learn painting techniques using acrylic or oil paint to achieve a wide range of interesting surfaces. Discover the use of dynamic color relationships and how to use them in a painting.

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